Ewwwww! Ewwwww! Ewwwww!!
Would someone remove monoxide from grandmamamooks grasp RAHT NOW before I blow grits?
Its lucky we caught them in time or else they may have tried to make some Kenfuckied-up butt babies or shit, given how Monoxide likes to raep and gaep anooses. (Latent hom ....... urgh, nevermind.)
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Oh wow, is that mamamook? She isn't going to be able to post over there if its no sodomy saturday. What are she and Josh going to talk about now. Isn't she a grandma? Disgusting.
For sure...Mamamook was upset about chatting with Greggaz, who was 16, but cool with threads about raping a child. WTF?
LMFAO! She is like a lovesick school girl. It's saaaaaaddd.
I think some haikus are in order.
Mook has daughters, right? Wasn't that her reason to keep kids out of MMAC?
Over under on total teeth in that picture is 16.
MMAC has hit rock bottom. The only people left are the trolls, pursesnatchers, and hillbillies.
Wonder if Mono will take food stamps for donations? Or maybe some farm animals. Everybody can use some extra pigs or chickens.
Mid life crisis of a NY social worker. Ethics anyone???
I miss Short Bus Dude! Hope all is well. Good luck on the investigation. I know there are a few going on right now so I will just keep checking back.
SBD is prolly laying low due to the ongoing investigation. he doesnt want to jeapordize it. Good for him.. He has the kahunas to follow through even when Josh spews his terror all over the web.
Are the blogs Bobble posted with former members info still posted? Seems like that was what started this whole thing, including the rape thread about Short Bus Dude's daughter.
Pom has a signature that says something like-It's the internet, if you can't take a fucking joke, then leave.
Anybody left who thinks it was funny?
I guess Sherry and 411, didn't they skanky Susan, Sally, Citrus Flavored POS.
You're the hated one.
Right. Way to prove my point Sally/Susan/Citrus. Way to bring the crazy.
Stalk much?
This is not about you. A child had her name and address posted, along with a threat of violence.
The end.
Sherry was one of the few people from MMAC that I miss. She was really picked on for a long time there and she hung on. Even sent me a thank you for sticking up for her!
Citrus-Susan whoever:
We love Sherry, she is a stand u gal. PLease don't speak for the entire e-world, you are one person, even though you may have more than one personality, you're still just one lonely dumbass.
Not important, and your opinion is not that of everyone.
How crazy are you to think that you are so damn important that everyone thinks the same as you?
Get a life loser!
Sherry We love you!
Why don't you just slither your ass back to the cesspool of ignorance where you belong Bitter Flavored. I'm sure if you manage to pry mamakook off of Mr. MissingManyAChromosome's nuts you can be first in line. I mean who's left? Slobblehead? Just tell her a squirrel dun ranned off wit her pills, yuk, yuk. Do it today since it's 4/20. Abbie's so out of it most of the time so you can only imagine how she's functioning today. Maybe someone should send a wellness check?
Bottom line: Sherry has more class, intelligence, and MORALITY than you or any of the other ignorant, pathetic, stalking internet cowards that you reside among.
I am amused that MMAC is finally being the fox and not the hound. All for the LULZ. LMFAO
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