
From the mailbag

I need a favor from my blog guests.

Are any of you fluent in Hillbilly? Can someone translate what it is that this illiterate ditchpig is trying to say to me?

Shame she wasted half a day writing all that when 1. it makes no sense and 2. she could have "took" her baby to the park for some much needed exercise instead.

Read on:

Hm, don't know what to say to help you there, yeastiegirl. Thanks for the link to the wiki article about cyberstalking - that's about all I understood in your comment above. I'll be glad to forward that wiki link to bayterrace, missbrooklyn, and quickattack, although I'm pretty sure that they're already well aquainted with cyberstalking laws in their respective states. I know that they have screen shots of your multiple failblog threats as well as proof that you lobbed the first turdbomb. You never would have been a topic of this blog had you not brought this upon yourself by threatening and harassed my friends and encouraging others to join you in those dumbass activities.

So, gutterhick, you really should go take care of you lil chitlin and leave the thinkin' and writin' to the adults.


Anonymous said...

I have no idea what any of that was about. Makes no sense, especially because gEEky was pretty clear when he said bobble was not reading here anymore.

Hillbilly was the only class I failed in college. Sorry I can't be of more help.

Anonymous said...

That was painful to read.

Did she have enough sense to site the "threats" she's seen here? What a fucking retard. I'd love to be the CPS worker who takes her "cyber stalking" complaint. As if they dont have anything better to do in Kinfucky.

Has anyone called them about the child abuse/ obesity issue yet?

And I'm dying to know...what the hell is on the poor child's feet? Squirrel blood? Food? Mud?

Anonymous said...

A health expert has said that kids who are morbidly obese must be treated as victims of abuse and should be taken away from their homes and given radical weight-loss surgery.

In a conference, Tam Fry, a member of the National Obesity Forum's board, will urge that authorities should take obese children away from their families and into care, and that those whose health is at risk should then undergo stomach-stapling operations.

Parents should be permitted to visit their overweight kids in hospital, but they must first be 'frisked' to ensure they are not trying to smuggle them junk food or fizzy drinks.

My point will be that we regard malnourished children as being abused and so with those children who are so overweight, either consciously or by neglect because their parents allow it, there should be a case for them being removed from their parents.

Your dear friend

Anonymous said...

"You should have took me serious."

Lol. Seriously? Oh boy.

ANON said...

One thing I could translate was something about her posting on MMAC under an ex-members account. This is typical of MMAC. When a member stands up to Josh they are banned and Josh's sidekicks are given access to post under their accounts making it look like them. They change the avitars to racist slogans and post vile sick posts. This is going on all over the place over there right now. Josh likes to use this to intimidate anyone who has left his forum. He himself posts as old forum members.

You guys are sick.

Signed ANON

Anonymous said...

I've got screen caps of Tabitha's wordpress blog about Brook, QA, and Bay before wordpress took it down for encouraging real-life harassment and stalking.

I complained to Wordpress and they replied to me immediately. I've got two e-mails from a WordPress staff member named M*** who was the tech who terminated Tabitha's blog. He says in the e-mail that he terminated it for asking readers to stalk the women. Tabitha's was the only blog I've seen in this mess that posted real-life addresses, work addresses, and home and work phone numbers and told readers to contact her victims and their employers.

Who should I e-mail the screen caps and correspondence to?

Right now Tabitha has got 2 more blogs up about Bay telling people if they leave comments or tags she'll post bay's real name and phone number. This demented retard even posted Bay's father's name and date of death. I've got screen caps of that too, so whoever needs them can email me at tomcat89@gmx.com.

Anonymous said...

Gobblehead, why don't you or your lard ass of a sinner boyfriend. remove the blogs about Bay? You are on this site for that sole reason. Honestly, none of us really care about you anyway, never had, even back at MMAC. Actually, I wouldn't even screw you with a stolen dick.

You want out of this mess that wasn't even about you to begin with, then you and your slob of a boyfriend should remove any and all slanderous blogs about Bay. And if I were you, I'd think long and hard about going and starting with anyone else. Because in all seriousness, you aren't fit to play in the same sandbox, Gooblehead, you aren't even in the same league!

BTW, sorry 411, I have no idea how to read hillbilly or Pig Latin for that matter. It reads like this to me...

"blah blah blah, big word, blah blah, incorrect use of word, blah blah blah, insert poor me's, blah blah blah..."

Anonymous said...

In her own words

04-13-2009, 04:43 AM
<< Worth a thousand words Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 510


i'm scared to get online... See this is why what their doing is wrong. This is ridiculous . It was insane to start posting blogs about me, and really insane to post personal information because I didnt leave a forum because someone who wasn't on my friends list left..

I thought you were scared to get online? Why are you spending hours on end posting? Why do you keep talking to yourself over there?

#27 04-13-2009, 03:44 AM
<< Worth a thousand words Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 510


This is serious to me, they post pictures of my child and say they took them from my site.They never took any picture of m,y child from my site, because its private..I'd never seen that picture in my life, and they'll never have proof they got that picture from me, because its a false statement.

They threaten me by saying their calling CPS because of that picture and child abuse because my child is over weight.. Do they know how delusional they are? Especially if they have to be told by an official that she has a medical condition that requires certain medicines that causes her to be overweight.

Then to read stupid comments from really unintelligent individuals making fun of my child because she is over weight, and even more so if its medical related.

Besides all that any pictures they have supposedly came across online of my child are of her when she was a infant/baby/ no older than 2 yrs old. No licensed pediatrician (or the ones I know) will advise a parent to put your infant/ 1.5 yr old on a diet. Its not recommended to deprive your child of food. Obviously.

Perhaps those kind sleuthing citizens that are using their hubby's hard earned cash to purchase personal information online to stalk their victims, --first-should use that on their own children needs and then if there is any money left over they need to make a long distance call to the CPS on those comment droppers that believe in depriving their infants of food so they won't be a busting out of their clothes! Apparently by reading the heartless comments made by those who post, it'd be better to deprive your infant of nutrients by placing it on a diet than to be fat. Right ladies?"

First off Bubble butt, you say that's not your child, now you say this blog IS POSTING pics of your child, which is it?

I highly doubt your kid has a medical issue, oh wait, yeah, she has a medical issue allright, it's YOU!!

I told you to get your fat ass off the net! NOW DO IT!!

Anonymous said...

#30 04-13-2009, 04:08 AM
<< Worth a thousand words Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 510


Its unacceptable to make fun of any child because of their weight. eating disorders kill. My child has plenty of time to lose weight,. She's a baby. She's happy and I love her no matter what size she is or will be. As she gets older the more active she will be, and she will be able to exercise with me then. She has a mommy in her life that will be active with her,.

Unless her 'possible' medical condition decides different.

So do tell bobble, what kind of Medical Condition does your kid have??

Monoxide411 said...

No one is stalking Bobble and her fambly.

All she has to do is take down her three defamatory blogs. I'll delete my posts about her, including the photo of her kid.

It's not blackmail (typical Bobble hyperbole), it's reciprocal courtesy.

She decided to make blogs about people in a situation that in no way involved her. I reciprocated by changing my focus to her. If she takes down the defamatory blogs she has up right now, I'll reciprocate by taking down my posts about her.

It's her choice. She can't cry "I'm being stalked!" when she is the one who posted those blogs before anyone mentioned her at the 411 AND when she's been given an opportunity to end the situation.

I don't care if she stays at MMAC or not. If she as a mother wants to hang out with people who laugh about child molestation and child rape, that's her decision. But as long as she leaves up her defamatory blogs, the posts and pictures here will remain.

Anonymous said...


Bobble butt is running scared!

This is yet another post at MMAC

04-13-2009, 03:12 AM
She's/they are not going to stop stalking me thats being proven, daily , hourly.! I have avoided that blog all week and held my tongue with commenting about what she is writing because I wanted to prove that she is cyber stalking us. I held onto hope they would stop like advised but we see they still continue to blog stalk me and my family.

and thats not all of it!! Bobble butt, you have not avoided THIS blog all week, because you post about it daily!

Here we go again, you post like every five minuets. Here are her posting times
#26 04-13-2009, 03:14 AM
<< Worth a thousand words Join Date: Nov 2008
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04-13-2009, 03:44 AM
<< Worth a thousand words Join Date: Nov 2008
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04-13-2009, 04:02 AM
<< Worth a thousand words Join Date: Nov 2008
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04-13-2009, 04:08 AM
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04-13-2009, 04:23 AM
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#32 04-13-2009, 04:35 AM
<< Worth a thousand words Join Date: Nov 2008
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04-13-2009, 04:37 AM
<< Worth a thousand words Join Date: Nov 2008
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#35 04-13-2009, 04:43 AM
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04-13-2009, 05:01 AM
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04-13-2009, 05:05 AM
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04-13-2009, 05:19 AM
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04-13-2009, 06:26 AM
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04-13-2009, 06:29 AM
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04-13-2009, 07:54 AM
<< Worth a thousand words Join Date: Nov 2008
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Anonymous said...

I wonder who is watching the little girl all day. After being up all night I'm sure it's not Bobble, and I hope it's not Geeky.

Bobble, you are not a good example for your little girl just for the fact that you have a man like Geeky in your life.

Get off the net, go to school, get a job and quit posting pictures of yourself like your a movie star.

After you get a job, invest in singing lessons. My hound dog sounds better than you.

Anonymous said...

Jesus, the bobble family is so dysfunctional, disgusting and pathetic...it's almost not even funny anymore.

Who am I kidding - still a riot!!!

Anonymous said...

One. More. Time.

Slander - SPOKEN



Anonymous said...

So Bobble will trade having her kid's picture on the net to be able to post complete personal info about previous MMAC members who never did anything to her? But this blog is wrong for having the pic? Makes no sense at all.

I don't blame this blog owner for posting the baby pic. It would be a simple choice for a good mom to make. Take down your hate blogs. in return the blog owner here will remove a previously PUBLICLY posted pic of Bobble's kid. Too bad such a deal should even have to be offered, and even then she won't do it. Would a good mom even have to think twice? Correction, would a good mom make hate blogs to begin with?

Posting other people's personal info can be dangerous, and I don't blame the blog owner for the desperate measure of posting the baby pic to get the info removed from Bobble and Geeky's blog. We already know he (Geeky) is capable of criminal behavior, so who knows how far he will take it with this personal info?

She must really get off on spewing her nasty filth. Why would she make hate blogs to begin with? WTF? Desperate for attention maybe? I think it is a cute kid, minus the squirrel. Too bad it has a jack-ass who wants to be an interweb sooperstar for for a mom. Great trade-off mom. You are offended, but maybe not that much, huh? Once the picture goes away, sympathy for Bobble dries up too, along with the attention she craves so badly.

Expect a new karaoke song dedicated to her troubles to be released soon. Maybe she will give out copies of it for next Christmas, ya'll! And Geeky will throw in a gently-used purse to go along with it.

And yes Bobble, it is clear that you own the blogs. Internets are magic, didn't you know? Everybody signs their name to their work in some way.

Anonymous said...

Yeastiegirl? LMMFAO!

Anonymous said...

Here's something that Bobble may want to consider - to be considered hate speech or a hate crime, certain religious or ethnic groups need to be attacked. I saw 2 protected groups attacked on her blog...yes the blog is down, but the cached version is still there.

Hillbillies, the ignorant and the un-employable are not protected groups.

Her and gEEkboy might want to consider this.

Honey said...

So Bobble is the dumbest person on the net, alongside geeky.
The blog she has up is nuts, and blaming Bay, QA and Brook for everything. Mono is just as dumb, these 3 are NOT the ones writing blogs about MMAC or Bobble.
They are doing it because they are bullies. Picking on the wrong people and blaming the innocent.
Crying about stalking and yet being totally WRONG about the people who are "supposedly" doing it.
If you're going to sleuth people MOno and MMAc, you should know that they wont take it lying down, and the three you chose are NOT the ones sleuthing MMAC or it's members.
You guys couldn't get it right if you had a map!! ROTFLMAO!!
ROCK ON 411!

Anonymous said...


I don't know you or what you or your friends have done. I don't know anything about MMAC except some things about Mono that learned when I followed Murt...but never joined his forum or got into any of the games, etc.

FFS woman! If taking down a HATE blog will get these people to take down a picture of your baby munching on a dead squirrel then DO IT! What the hell is wrong with you?? Are you demented?

Just let it go....take the nasty blog down and step away from the computer.

If it was my child's picture I would do anything to get it removed. Do you have to be spiteful at the expense of your child?

Be a mother first!

Anonymous said...


They read what I write in blogs.
They see that I don't always make sense.
They don't believe my words and never take them serious.
They tell me bad things, when all I think is LULZ.
They darken up my screen, and make pics of dead squirrels look good.
They bring lulz to my heart,and insult innocents.
They're the lulz I've been waiting for my whole life entire life.
They are and will be my one and only favorite website.

Anonymous said...

I dont understand why Bobblefuck is so upset. Didnt this pic come from her public myspace??? Whats the problem? She posted it in the first place right?? Its not like someone broke in to her trailer and stolded it.


Anonymous said...

I have a question about these blogs that are mentioned at MMAC. Do you have to be a registered member to access the forums in order to read them?

My captcha is "stanki". Now that's funny, I don't care who you are.

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 6:35pm: Thought you stopped reading here, too, Monoxide.

Anonymous said...

Anon @9:13am..
That was not Mono, it's an inside joke I guess. A poem for MMAC and Bobble..LMAO!