
The Truth is Coming

It won't be long, it'll all be out there. If you have been harassed by the dude who goes by MonoxideMMAC aka Monoxide the admin of http://www.mixedmartialartscentral.org then watch this blog.

Monoxide's MO:

  • prank calling people and making wild threats all day and all night
  • threatening to slit people's throats and do other things to them
  • posting pics of kiddy porn in a chat room because hes not wanted there
  • giving out peoples names and email who register at his site
  • telling the dumb hag friends of his to go after a people he doesnt like
  • trying to kill other peoples web sites by harassing them
  • being a general asshole on the internet
  • saying its all for the lulz
  • and more than i have time to type

He goes after people for no reason because his own life is miserable so its time for his payback. Watch here and it'll all be out in the open soon.


Hollyholy said...

Tell it like it is.

pisssed off said...

oh wait...

Anonymous said...

I once saw a photo of the real Monoxide and he is repulsive (and not masculine, either).

The sisterwives must be like the women who write to and marry convicts.

Anonymous said...

You forgot racist.