Swine Flu spreads across North American Continent, New Zealand, Western Europe
View Swine Flu 2009 in a larger map
Swine flu at present is confirmed or suspected in the following places:
17 Mexican states including:
Mexico City
Veracruz - origin of current swine flu strain
Baja California
San Luis Potosi
Mexico State
United States:
San Diego County, CA
Imperial County, CA
Cibolo, TX
San Antonio, TX
Queens, NY
Nassau, NY
Lorain County, OH
Livingston County, MI
Newberry, SC
Auckland, NZ
Netanya, Israel
Bilbao, Spain
Albacete, Spain
Valencia, Spain
Nova Scotia
British Columbia
Lanarkshire, Scotland
The general consensus of news items I've read seem to say that the lethal strain hasn't reached the United States yet, but that it will. The director of the CDC says that people will die with swine flu in the United States, and there's no way to contain it.
We'll continue to post updates here as there are significant developments.
UPDATE: Number and severity of Swine Flu cases in US to increase. Federal government will issue a travel advisory today declaring that Americans avoid non-essential travel to Mexico. Mercury News
An enemy of my enemy is not my friend.
Not so fast, Murdiot.
Murt and monoxide are two peas in the same pod. Monoxide could learn a lot from Murt, as Murt has perfected his scam to the point that he doesn't have to work, and his pity stories always seem to result in women funneling the money to him.
From what I'm getting in my email in-box, Murt's most recent solicitation has something to do with shipping a server by freight. I don't understand the whole story, so anyone who knows what's going on feel free to comment.
I hadn't thought about Murt until he started appearing on my blog, commenting in his usual retarded way. Then I got several e-mails telling me that Murt is stealing my content and posting it as his own at his retardoblog.
One thing that pissed off a lot of people who used to follow Murt is that he let his chat room be used by a sex offender's sister to call the child witnesses liars. He let Tinker Bell go on a rant about the children who testified about her sister's inappropriate sexual conduct. For those of you who don't know about this, Tinker Bell is or was a mod at Murt's chat room. A couple months ago, her sister Wind Chime, a slovenly mod at Websleuths, was outted as having a criminal record for sexually abusing children. The case records state that she crawled her obese self up on a table, lay on her back, and spread her fat labia for the children to see. She also had sex in front of the kids. She pleaded GUILTY to these charges! In Murt's chat, Tinker Bell defended Wind Chime at the expense of the children who were victimized by Wind Chime. Murt, who supposedly cares about children, sure didn't care about them when he let the sex offender's sister call those kids liars in his chat room. Anyone who stayed in Murt's chat after that happened can't even pretend to care about children.
Murt's always given me the creepy vibe, though. So it's not surprising that sex offenders and their kin gravitate toward his chat room.
Honestly, he's yesterday's news. But it looks like he's still up to the same monkey business.
Anyone know of any cons that old Murt's been up to lately? Tell us about them here.
World readies for deadly Swine Flu pandemic.
What is particularly worrisome about the current strain of Swine Flu is that it's a combination of hog, avian, and human virii never seen before.
It's fast acting, too. On April 16th, President Barack Obama visited a museum in Mexico. The archaeologist who hosted him died the next day from a pneumonia-like illness now suspected to be the flu.
As of 2:30 AM, April 26, the flu is spreading throughout Mexico, and has been identified in the United States in four states: California, Kansas, New York, and Texas. It has also been identified in New Zealand and the UK.
World Health Officials believe it could reach pandemic status, and they also say that there's no way to contain it, because it's already spread so far. At least one author is saying that the outbreak is related to bioterrorism. That seems unlikely though, until proven othewise.
Fortunately, the flu responds well to Tamiflu and Relenza.
The map below shows the locations of current or suspected Swine Flu cases. This blog will have at least one update daily on this topic.
View Swine Flu 2009 in a larger map
Tricia Griffith pretends she didn't know about the email campaign to the victims conference.
Yesterday, 12:00 AM
Administrator Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Under that huge "house of cards" falling on me. Wow!
Posts: 6,007
To those who wish to vilify the Melanie Rieger Conference
I received a call from Marc Klaas today. It seems members of Websleuths have been sending some angry emails to a wonderful organization based on what Marc said on Nancy the other night. I asked Marc to put his concerns in writing for me to post. Below is from Marc to us.
What bothers me is it seems some members took it upon themselves to use Websleuths to organize an actual email campaign against Sam and Wanda Rieger.
First, any email campaign, any petition, any sort of organized anything, has to be approved by me. That has always been a hard and fast rule here.
Of course what you do off the forum is none of my business but when an organization like the Melanie Rieger Conference receives emails from people saying they are from Websleuths then it becomes my business.
If the people who did this would have followed the rules and contacted me we could have avoided this embarrassing situation.
This is a totally different situation that (sic) Oprah. Even so, when someone posted about an "email campaign" Jbean pulled that thread until I approved it. I made the mistake of not posting a reminder about organizing email campaigns.
Websleuths is a very different forum in that it is privately owned by one person. I take a very active role in setting the rules for Websleuths. I am blessed with a great team of moderators who share my goals and make sure the forum runs smoothly.
I will be sending a letter to everyone involved in the Melanie Rieger Conference explaining that this was not endorsed by Websleuths in any way.
I don't know how many people were involved in this but apparently it was enough people from Websleuths writing some very angry and unfair emails to prompt Marc to contact me.
What I have found is Websleuths is a very respected forum. That has everything to do with you as the poster. With posters like you who post within reason and without name calling. When something like this happens it hurts all of us.
I'll leave the thread open if anyone has any questions or would like to comment.
Wait. Did readers catch that? It was ok for her readers to send harassing emails to Oprah, but not ok for them to do it to others? Anyone who was ever a member of Websleuths knows that these kind of email campaigns happen all the time. And they are organized openly at Websleuths.
I think that the only reason Tricia admonished her members is because Mark Klaas called her and bitched her out about it.
Websleuths has been on the decline for a year at least. Tricia Griffith was in no way qualified to own such a web site. Her own blog reveals an unintelligent, nutty (in a bad way) person who can't even string two sentences together, much less admin a web site.
At one time Websleuths mattered. The Caylee case dropped a huge opportunity into Tricia's huge lap. She blew it through bad decision after bad decision. The Klaas letter will, we hope, deter reasonable people from joining the forum.
Of course, anyone with any sense of integrity has already left Websleuths. The fact that the forum was being co-admined by a woman who was convicted for showing her nether regions to innocent children was enough justification for any reasonable person to leave.
We wonder what is wrong with the people who stay. Obviously - as indicated by the Klaas bitchslap - there's not much of substance left there.
The emperess of Websleuths has no clothes and the few people who are left there don't have the cajones to tell her that.
Mark Klaas disassociates himself from Websleuths
The Anthonys were set to attend a homicide victims conference in Connecticut. Websleuths heard about this, and they made all kinds of irrational speculations about the conference's integrity. This pissed off Klaas enough to write an open letter to Websleuths.
Mark, we commend you. Websleuths at one point in time was a good site. Since Tricia Griffith became the owner, the place has declined terribly. The recent revelation that Tricia's chief moderator/co-admin Wind Chime has a criminal record for improper sexual behavior with children (she laid on a table, spread her cooch for children to see, and then had sex in front of those children according to the case records) was for many the death knell of the website. We are glad to see reputable people like Mark Klaas break his association with the site.
Here is Mark's letter to Tricia and Websleuths:
Marc Klaas' Letter Sent to Websleuths
The other night you apparently heard, or somebody told you about, comments that I made on the Nancy Grace Show about George and Cindy Anthony’s scheduled appearance at the upcoming Melanie Ilene Rieger Memorial Conference. From those comments much has been imagined, speculated upon, and regurgitated in unfortunate ways. I would like to provide some context in hopes that you will modify your opinion and re-direct your anger.
Melanie Ilene Rieger, a college student, was murdered by her boyfriend on May 24, 1994. The conference was established by her parents Sam and Wanda, in her memory with the hope that others would avoid such tragedy. This year will mark my eleventh appearance at the conference. Not only am I honored and humbled by each and every invitation, but I consider my attendance as one of the high points of my year.
You see, the Melanie Rieger Conference is a serious forum that gathers amazing people with diverse perspectives about violent crime. Victims, service providers, law enforcement representatives, politicians and other advocates gather to find commonality, to discuss issues and to provide solutions to the myriad problems faced by crime victims. Over the course of my attendance I have met a diverse population of individuals who have educated and enlightened me, who have contributed to the body of literature and understanding, and have eased the burden of victimization. To malign these people and this conference based upon a few words or a single reference is unfair.
Anyone who has ever attended the Melanie Rieger Conference understands that it is a respectful forum that refuses to promote itself in an undignified way. The first mention that George and Cindy Anthony had been invited to attend was when I mentioned that fact on the Nancy Grace Show on April 20. Therefore, it is disingenuous to suggest that they are appearing as a way to drum up publicity for the conference. Anyone who would do so speaks from a lack of knowledge.
No single individual establishes the agenda or the guest list for the Melanie Rieger Conference, nor are these considerations made in a vacuum. The Conference Committee invites individual presenters months in advance, without foreknowledge of how events will affect those choices. Everyone invited to present at the Melanie Rieger Conference is considered carefully and chosen because they are either a member of the victim’s community or they are in a position to impact the community of victims. They are not chosen based on popularity or their contribution to pop culture.
I have known Sam and Wanda Rieger for more than a decade. They founded the Melanie Ilene Rieger Memorial Conference as a way to give meaning to their daughter’s murder. They are two of the finest people that I have ever met and two of the most steadfast and dedicated victim’s advocates in the United States.
Marc Klaas
KlaasKids Foundation
P.O. Box 925
Sausalito, CA 94966
A War of Identities
ChloroformCasey, McDidit, Mamamook, Pom - are you sure that you want "Dutch" to go there? You realize of course that you're not the only people armed with information about the other party right? You're not the only people with the capabilities to post at 4chan. What a dumb move that would be on your part.
People have been begging me to out ChloroformCasey on 411. They have been emailing me info about her. And she actually provided enough info about herself that she was easy to find. I could have outed her if I wanted to, but I had no reason to. She has wisely removed herself from the battle and has been mostly quiet about it. But should her friend carry through on his threat, she will see herself here as will others.
Pom and others - you betray the trust of people who once trusted you and considered you friends by giving this information to people who want to hurt your former friends. Are you so stupid not to realize that you exchanged info with your former friends? That you gave out your real names, phone numbers, addresses, and additional information that made sleuthing you quite easy? Rose Abate? Did you think that that fake name would hide your real identity?
Information about people who stayed on the sidelines has not appeared in this blog because I have had no impulse or reason to use it. But should your pal "Dutch" decide to carry through on his threats, then each of you - and others - can expect to see your photos and information here and elsewhere.
And, as for you, "Dutch," you had your own daughter and wife on your ustream cam. And you want to threaten others with outing them?
Do you really want to go there? Your decision. If you make good on your threats, then you can expect to be confronted by the backlash your rash decision provokes.
(So much for this blog moving in a new direction. Thank you to the readers who appreciated that new direction. Hopefully we can drop this idiot stuff and move back to exploring true crime and other topics that we had intended to discuss here.)
How Common is Child Abduction by Strangers?
According to this Blogger News Network article, children in America are under seige:
What’s going on with the kids in this country? It seems to be open season on them, especially young girls. It’s difficult to surf the cable news channels or talk radio programs these days and not come across a show or two about a missing or dead child.
The sad case of two-year-old Florida girl Caylee Anthony has held our attention for over nine months. Another case out of Florida involves the bizarre disappearance of five-year-old Haleigh Cummings. She vanished from her home on February 10 and hasn’t been seen since. And the body of eight-year-old Sandra Cantu was found on April 6, ten days after she went missing in Tracy, California.
I became interested in this topic earlier this year when I did a Blog Talk Radio show about Hanna Mack, the six-year-old Texas girl raped and murdered in 2007. My guest on that program was Heather Steele of the Innocent Justice Foundation. The stats Heather provided about sexual predators and the child porn business both astounded and disgusted me. After doing Hanna’s show I became determined to do whatever I can to bring this horrible problem to the attention of the public.
The statistics doe not bear out Denny Griffin's and Heather Steele's assertion that stranger child-abduction and murder in America is as rampant a problem as they'd like you to believe. Another instance of media pushing the sensational for ratings? Dunno.
Here's actual data presented in an article by the Gainesville Sun:
Crime wasn't an issue in tiny Benton, the southern Illinois town where Regina Freeman grew up.
"Two murders in 20 years," Freeman says wistfully, and one of them was the result of a drunken brawl.
The other, she says, was committed by the unlikeliest of suspects: a friendly young man who lived near the local middle school and handed out candy to boys and girls passing by on their way home.
The man, Rodney Barnhill, sexually assaulted and strangled a 12-year-old girl from Freeman's school and left her body in an abandoned home. Barnhill was convicted and sentenced to life in prison.
As awful as it was, the incident didn't deter Freeman and her friends from exploring their small town. They continued to venture far from home to visit friends or the corner store, out of sight of parents.
Now 39 and a mother of two preschoolers in Gainesville, Freeman ponders the dangers her children face and doubts they'll have the same freedom to roam that she did as they get older.
There is no doubt in her mind that the world in 2009 is a more dangerous place to be a child.
For her, incidents like the disappearance of Haleigh Cummings from her home near Palatka and the abductions of Jessica Lunsford in Citrus County and Carlie Brucia in Sarasota are sobering reminders that predators lurk everywhere.
"It was nothing for me to walk five or six blocks to the store," she says. "Nowadays, I say there's no way my child is walking five or six blocks anywhere."
But Freeman's fear belies two important facts that experts have known for years.
First, violent crimes against children have declined steadily over the past generation. The U.S. Department of Justice reports that 81 out of every 1,000 children between the ages of 12 and 15 were victims of violent crime in 1973, compared with 44 out of 1,000 in 2005.
And, second, the worst of those crimes - kidnappings, rapes and murders - are being committed not by strangers hunting innocents but by family members, neighbors or trusted adults the family knows.
In fact, the kidnappings of Carlie and Jessica by complete strangers, while terrifyingly sinister, are fairly rare events, representing only about one in every 2,900 abduction cases.
The most recent survey of kidnapping data conducted in 2002 for the U.S. Justice Department revealed that of the roughly 261,000 children who are abducted each year, the vast majority (203,900) are taken by a family member - often in a custody dispute - and just 90 to 115 are victims of "stereotypical kidnappings" like Carlie and Jessica.
A stereotypical kidnapping, according to the survey, known as the National Incidence Studies of Missing, Abducted, Runaway and Thrownaway Children (NISMART), is committed by a stranger or slight acquaintance. In these cases, the child is kept overnight, transported at least 50 miles, held for ransom, abducted with the intention of keeping the child permanently, or killed.
The remaining 58,000 or so abductions that occur annually are known as "nonfamily abductions," which occur when someone other than the child's family detains the child for a short period of time.
To many law enforcement agencies, these don't even qualify as abductions because the act of detaining the child is incidental to the primary crime, usually sexual abuse.
Often, the perpetrators of nonfamily abductions are people in a position of trust: neighbors, Scout leaders, friends of the family or even clergy.
That was the case with 13-year-old Sarah Lunde of Tampa, who was abducted and murdered in April 2005 by David Lee Onstott.
Onstott had been in a relationship with the girl's mother.
Yet the idea of a child being dragged off to be tortured, raped and murdered by a stranger is so terrifying and so well reported in the news media that parents, educators, even law enforcement officers and politicians, have accepted as fact that stranger abductions are more commonplace than they actually are.
"Those are the ones that capture the public's imagination, and they should because they're awful" says Jim Beasley, supervisory special agent for the FBI and a specialist in crimes against children. "But because they hear the story told over and over, people tend to forget that this is the same incident."
Read more of this article at the link above.
I'm well aware that there are stranger abductions every year in the United States. Polly Klaas, Samantha Runnion. And others that the media tell us about. But stranger abductions are much more rare than the media would have us believe.
In the overwhelming number of child abduction cases the problem isn't strangers. It's family members and social contacts. We would shun a pleasant person at Publix for fear of that person wishing to do harm to our children, while without a thought we drop off our kids to the care of trusted associates at Boy Scouts meetings or at sleepovers or at Sunday School, where they come in contact with people who are much more likely to do them harm than some stranger who says Hi at Sam's Club, according to statistics.
Anyway, I thought that the Gainesville Sun article was an important piece of objective journalism, especially in stark contrast with the Blogger News Network article's sensationalistic alarmism.
Looking forward to reading your opinions on this.
Is it possible for racists to truly care about justice?
Over the past month or 2, a new trend has developed in true crime internet circles in which people are basically outing themselves as being racially prejudiced. I figure it's a new trend. Maybe I just wasn't paying attention before. Maybe they didn't stand so prominently on the soapbox as they do now. Maybe they're emboldened by like company.
These people won't tell you that they're racists - they declare quite the opposite.
But when they pass universal judgments about entire peoples from the position of their own white privilege then they're racists.
Obama is a "nigger" who only won the election because he's black.
Black people should quit bitching about slavery.
Japs deserved to be forced into internment camps. Slant eyed bastards.
Mexicans are filthy and lazy and sponge off the system.
Jews are greedy and evil and only care about money and the holocaust.
Brown desert people are innately violent and want to kill everyone.
Indigenous Americans are too sensitive about sports caricatures.
And on and on and on. And on. I guess some of these people think that they live in a post-racial world and that their racists opinions aren't racists at all, but are "informed" and "evolved." How little they know about history, to hold such views.
It's ironic to me that the very people who possess such bigoted attitudes about other races are so involved in true crime forums, blogs, chatrooms. Most of these people will say that the main reason they follow true crime cases is because they want to see the guilty face justice. They care about justice. But what is justice?
The most fundamental aspect of justice in the United States system is that all people are the same under the eyes of the law. Regardless or race, creed, sex, they shall be treated equally in the court of law. Unfortunately, that ideal is not always met in criminal cases in the U.S. (I feel that that's as much a class thing as a race thing - we can discuss that later; even by comparing the media treatment of Caylee and Haleigh the class differentiations are evident in disparities in media attention given to the two cases).
So back on topic, my question is this. How can someone who claims to care about justice be so unjust in their views of other races? Bigotry is grounded in unequal treatment. (And ignorance.)
Look at forums around the true crime net. Forums for Caylee, and Haleigh (though attention to her case is quickly dissipating), and Jon Benet. But hardly any mention of black children who are missing. Is that because that's supposed to happen in poor black communities, but when it happens in middle-class white suburbia, it's a freak occurrence and therefore newsworthy?
I think I'm rambling so let me get back to the main reason I wrote this today. My question.
Can racists care about justice? Do racists gravitate towards each other, even in the e-world? Blog guests, what are your opinions on this topic?
No Sodomy Saturday
Would someone remove monoxide from grandmamamooks grasp RAHT NOW before I blow grits?
Its lucky we caught them in time or else they may have tried to make some Kenfuckied-up butt babies or shit, given how Monoxide likes to raep and gaep anooses. (Latent hom ....... urgh, nevermind.)
Open topic...talk about whatever you want.
Geeky still says that he is not the purse snatcher.
Kentucky Fried Friday
I still think that there are some Oedipal problems there though. Who writes stories about fucking their mother?
Even though monoxide posted about child rape and threatened to knock a 14-year-old girl's teeth out to make oral sex better, women there are praising him for being such a good guy, a friend to women.
Some people never learn, I guess.
Screwsday Tuesday
This is your brain in its safe styro carton:
This is your double-yolked brain before posting at MMAC:
This is a retarded hillbilly contemplating the mysteries of the natural world as exhibited by your double-yolked brain, which this retard in her 25 years of life has never seen and must blog about:
This is the same retard's fat paw, pointing at your brain before she puts the whisk to it.
This is your hard-scrambled brain while posting at MMAC, before it ends up in the belly of a hongry retard.
This is all that's left of your MMAC-riddled brain. Only a husk of its former self.
Any questions?
Bobble's "ZOMG A Dbl Yolk Egg blog" here.
(Sorry for my feeble attempt to satirize, metaphorize, and allegorize Bobble's inane blog and the 1970s "your brain on drugs" PSA commercial. I thought it was funny anyway.)
MMAC being watched by the feds?
Considering the comment I had in my in-box this morning, I'd wager "yes". I've heard that it isn't just the feds watching MMAC, too. Evidently some people filed complaints with the proper authorities about the child rape thread and other content at MMAC. From what I've heard and read, HostGator is cooperating with authorities.
From ShortBusDude:
I wanted to stop by to let all of you know that I think you are doing a wonderful thing here and these people, ALL OF THEM, need to be exposed for the fucktards that they are. Just so you know, today at noon I have an appointment with an agent at the FBI office in St.Pete to discuss the complaint that I filed last week when my family was threatened and all the harassing phone calls started. Now I am not sure how this will go but from what I was told, it is not illegal to post ones personal information online but what is illegal is when one uses that information to do harm to another as in my case and many others, this is what the FBI has told me that they label as "Terrorist Threats" and believe me when I say that whatever I can do to help you shut this group down, I WILL DO! This has gone on long enough and it is time to stop once and for all. Just a word to those of you who post here that are MMAC for life as you say.... GET OUT WHILE YOU STILL CAN! Ok I'm done but I will let you know how this turns out later today. Have a wonderful day and I look forward to the next post.
Thanks, SBD. You know how to find me. Keep us updated.
So close, bobble.
At least you started. I have to give you credit for that. As soon as you finish taking down the 2 blogs you haven't deleted, I do my part.
Keep them down. Don't put up any new ones about people who have left MMAC. If you ever put them back up, I'll find a clever new way to use the photos I have.
Now, for the readers - here's a funny for you:
US Humane Society and The 411 unite for Save Our Squirrels campaign!
The USHS and M411 plan to provide each little furry tailed rodent in Floyd County with a suit of armor that will repel most shotgun and rifle ammo.
If you'd like to help in this campaign, please send checks or money orders to:
Save Our Squirrels
93 Bum Fuck Road
Middleofnowhere, KY 83342
Donors of over $100 will receive our campaign tee shirt. Hurry! Supplies are limited!
Breaking News - Prosecutors announce plans to seek death penalty against Casey Anthony
The court and Casey Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, are being notified.
Previously, the state said they would not seek the death penalty for Anthony, who is in the Orange County Jail charged with first-degree murder in connection with the death of her daughter, Caylee.
The state attorney's office is citing "sufficient aggarvating circumstances" as the reason for Monday's decision.
Meanwhile, the latest legal maneuver of the attorney for Casey Anthony, Jose Baez, may reveal where he plans to go with his client's defense.
Baez is asking a judge to let him subpoena cell phone records from a dozen people -- and some of the names on the list are surprising.
Casey Anthony's own family -- George, Cindy and Lee Anthony -- are on the list that Baez submitted to Judge Stan Strickland. Several of Casey Anthony's friends and Roy Kronk are also on the list.
Kronk is the meter reader who found the remains of Caylee Anthony in a wooded area off of Suburban Drive last December.
A criminal defense lawyer WESH 2 News spoke with said Baez can use these phone records to find out who Kronk spoke with and whether he told those people the same things he told investigators about what he saw and when.
"The state puts on their case first; suddenly all these things that seemed so incriminating, you lose focus when the defense is raising issues that affect the credibility of the prosecution," criminal defense attorney Richard Hornsby said.
From the mailbag
Are any of you fluent in Hillbilly? Can someone translate what it is that this illiterate ditchpig is trying to say to me?
Shame she wasted half a day writing all that when 1. it makes no sense and 2. she could have "took" her baby to the park for some much needed exercise instead.
Read on:
Hm, don't know what to say to help you there, yeastiegirl. Thanks for the link to the wiki article about cyberstalking - that's about all I understood in your comment above. I'll be glad to forward that wiki link to bayterrace, missbrooklyn, and quickattack, although I'm pretty sure that they're already well aquainted with cyberstalking laws in their respective states. I know that they have screen shots of your multiple failblog threats as well as proof that you lobbed the first turdbomb. You never would have been a topic of this blog had you not brought this upon yourself by threatening and harassed my friends and encouraging others to join you in those dumbass activities.
So, gutterhick, you really should go take care of you lil chitlin and leave the thinkin' and writin' to the adults.
Happy Bunny Day
All the baawwwing was nothing more than melodramatic posing
Coming up next - "The E-thugs of MMAC."
If for some reason Bobble and Geeky decide to take my offer before I post The E-thugs post today, then I'll still hold to my end of the agreement.
Until then heres a Geeky post from MMAC:
#31 04-09-2009, 11:08 PM
Member Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 214
It takes alot of nerve for someone to try to and justify what QA, MB, and Bay have done. I mean seriously. Especially beginning with posting info on MONO which I don't believe to be true considering he was still in diapers in 1987 I don't believe him to be packing around a firearm under his osh kosh overalls. Secondly, posting erratic untrue information about myself and bobble is also fiendish and deserves repremand. I can take insults, fat jokes, uneducated jokes, or any other type of joke. Yet when it comes to turning posts from Bobble at another forum around and twisting the information into something that's untrue and laughing about her miscarriages and saying her child is going to bust she's so fat I TAKE A LITTLE OFFENSE. I could care less what they post about me they can falsify criminal records or whatever that have to. I've never even been inside of a jail and the girl of whom they posted a picture of today I've never seen in my life. SO that's how accurate they are in the information. They've still not correctly sleuthed my full name and also inaccurately posted my so called mother's name. You can believe what they post or believe they're JUST in their actions if you want but you've just proven yourself a shit face. If you like their opinions and e-drama so much by all means join them. Don't waste your time with another post here. Fly along. A little foot note of info only you morons are visiting the site laughing amongst each other now. My last visit was today since it's became boring and Mono and Bobble haven't visited in awhile. So what shall you do Morton when your e-drama ship has sank?
Saving the world one forum member at a time.
-- Like a phoenix risen from the ashes. So has the GEEK been revived.
Last edited by geeky; 04-09-2009 at 11:11 PM.
Why bobblehead and geeky?
It was a brilliant move actually. He got two stupid people he hates to fight against other people he hates. Masterful.
Bobble and Geeky were happy to help him. They went out on the world wide webz and created a bunch of illiterate blogs to try to intimidate the author of this blog, but it didnt work because the targets they chose were the wrong targets, which was very effing funny.
Then they decided to start ridiculing peoples physical appearances, occupations, parenting skills, and they insinuated that their targets had criminal histories, which as Ive proven, was the utmost of hypocrisy, considering their own physical appearances, lack of occupations, inability to parent properly, and as I will continue to show, the fact that two of the people involved in this bullying have embarrassing criminal histories that are out there in cyberland for anyone to see. Purse snatching from little old ladies. Dude thats both disgusting and pitiful.
Everything at this blog is publicly available on the net to anyone who has a few minutes to search and an IQ above 100, and the two "guess who" posts came straight from Bobble and Geeky's own words.
Don't believe me?
Check out a few of my sources (and then ponder what kind of idiots put that much personally identifying info about themselves out on the net):
- www.justmommies.com (gobs of stuff here. names, locations, hairy, no teeth, too much, really)
- www.reunion.com/kyblondie83
- http://facial-neuralgia.org/support/recentstories07.html
- http://www.geocities.com/Baja/Desert/2370/tabatha.html
- http://www.askdanandjennifer.com/forums/relationship-advice/326-how-can-you-fix-someone-else.html
- http://www.blogtv.com/People/bradmullins007
- Theres more, but Im keeping it in my hip pocket for now.
I had no reason to post the information on these people until they decided to take monoxides battle as their own and target innocent people. When they bow out gracefully, take down their blogs targeting innocent people, promise to do no more, and walk away from MMAC, I might consider removing the squirrel NOM NOM NOM photo as well as the fat Tabz photos. I might adjust my focus back to monoxide only.
Im making this offer because Im a nice person not because I have to. Blogger has no problem with my posts because I dont break laws and i dont post phone numbers and tell my readers to harrass the subjects of my blog. Law enforcement will laugh you off because i can show them where your clan was the first to post the squirrel photo on the internet in a public place and I have links and screen caps to support everything Ive posted on here. Your silly baaaawing that people are calling you Tabz, you do realize that if you make that complaint law enforcement will check your phone records and youll look even more like a drama-seeking retard. But go ahead dont let me stop you.
Bobblehead and Geeky took up a battle against people who left MMAC that wasnt even theirs to fight. They just like feeling important I guess cause it takes them away from their own pathetic lives. They tried to intimidate people who stood up against racism and other offensive matter at MMAC. They failed. Epically.
Heres whats most humorous, Bobble and Geeky. Monoxide hates both of you and he always has. Monoxide is the one who found geeky's myspace and passed it around MMAC, laughing at how fat geeky is. Monoxide also called bobblehead a dumb c***. Right now, he's enjoying the shit out of watching you two morons fight people, because you were so easy to manipulate into doing this.
You claim that your biggest complaint against this blog is the squirrel photo. You want it taken down. If you mean that, and youre not just using it as a pity tool, then take down the blogs you both put up, and walk away from MMAC. When I see you've done that, the squirrel photo will disappear, along with the fat bobblehead photos. I've given you an out now thus neutralizing your chief complaint.
Until I see dead urls and an absense of your participation at MMAC, I'm steaming ahead as usual.
And bobble, dont try to comfort yourself by rationalizing that only a few people read this blog. As of now, in less than two weeks, we've got over 20,000 hits. We're getting over 1,000 unique viewers a day. The stat counter bears this out. For some reason that I cant explain this blog has developed a wide readership. Maybe its my humorous satire. I like blogging. I had never done this before so I think Ill keep going for awhile. Thanks readers.
On another topic. To the people who keep commenting that I should "expose" ChloroformCasey: i could if I wanted to. But CC left MMAC without making a big drama show, and she hasnt attacked any of the other people that left that I know of. She hasnt betrayed the confidence of her former bffs at MMAC that I know of. If you've got proof otherwise, send it on.
To my readers, check back soon. Ive got a couple more in-box nuggets from yesterday that Ill share sometime this morning.
Pic related - its my next topic:
Did someone say "mug shot?"
On July 7 2005, this androgynous lovely and her husband were arrested for purse snatching in front of a Florence Meijer store in Burlington Kentucky which is about a two hours drive from their Bevinsville home. Brandi was charged with theft over $300 and theft under $300, because some of the purses she and her husband stole contained more cash and valuables than others. Brandi also was held on a warrant out of Pike County Kentucky for theft of a controlled substance.
MOAR on this later.
"A liar, a thief, and a bum" - another "guess who" challenge
1. Name the person and/or
2. Give the person some advice (have fun psychoanylizing this relationship nightmare)
Here we go:
How Can You Fix Someone?
But there's many problems. During a normal argument she seems to confuse facts and twist words for her own benefit and once I've proven the fact that I'm right she just ignores it completely and drifts on to another argument or situation. I'm constantly called a liar over things that are out of my control.
For example when asking her for something or using her money for something she always asks when will you pay me back and of course I tell her the date expected (such as the day a check should arrive) and even when she sees it's out of my control like the check not coming on the day it's supposed to. I'm called a liar, a thief and or a bum. (one must remember when we got together i had a good job and upon the first week of our relationship she had asked me for money to have her nails done and etc. i never asked to be paid back and had never brought it up during an argument)That's pretty harsh because I can't understand what would be the hard thing to understand when I count on the date I should get the check and she knows that but the fact it came a day or so later is beyond my control.
But other problems have been things like online such as myspace and instant messengers. She purposely gives me something to do for her like get something or fix her something to eat so that she can completely check the PC and see who or what I've did and what websites I've visited. She then throws everything up to me when in fact I absolutely do nothing wrong. She feels it's ok for her to do those things and at a point it is but what she fails to realize is that I'm not afforded the same luxury. I on the other hand do not visit her home to check her actions on her pc because although she lives alone her mom and dad own the house and they live right above her and we don't get along basically because her mother is obnoxious and at one point and time she'd call me during every argument she had with my gf and tell me things that I told her I couldn't help and had no reason to be contacted about.
I guess I should mention she's not yet divorced but he was gone before I came into the picture he wasn't living there or anything and their divorce is pro-longed due to a child being involved a 2 year old little girl. I really don't want to lose her or anything and there's those perfect times we have but I feel like I'm being treated unfairly and I've brought this up to her but she always turns it around to be my fault and she always keeps score and so do I. And every time she brings something up and I counter it by something she's done all she'll say is you look so guilty.
It's always OK for her to contact her ex about anything but if I even speak to an ex she just can't believe it. It's ok for her to do so because they have a child together but it's not even ok for me to tell an old high school gf I found her class ring...Any advice would be appreciated.
And then this:
I don't know she's just so messed up. She has issues beyond medical help. As for tonight the issue was and still is going on ...she's sat online for 8 hours saying it's my fault she hasn't came on over. lol hilarious. I gave her a dose of her own medicine she didn't handle it too well. I was fuming mad she rally pushes my buttons.
And then he offers advice to a girl who's unhappy with her boyfriend:
OK...did you guys catch that? Miss Holier than Thou was fucking around with her boyfriend while still married to her husband. Where does that fall on her sin scale? Which one of the commandments does that break? Girl needs to keep her child-support check for her CHILD instead of lending it to this bum. And this bum needs to find someone else to leech off of. Or they can just keep doing what they've been doing. Ignoring their own problems and living through online drama so they never have to focus on their own fucked-up lives.
Since it isnt gonna work with your gf, and because you don't have a lot of options, I suggest this:
Now it's your turn. Who wrote the above lovelorn post? And offer this dysfunctional couple some advice.
Let's play a game of "guess who"
Ok. Guess who I am:
I live in Kentucky and am a bible-thumpin songbird and believer in the lord. As a borned again believer, it's my duty to spread the word of god to all unbelievers. I don't judge people, but I tell them that god will judge them and send them to the fiery lake of hell.
When I was a child, I was an unpopular fatty. I got out of school and I lost 70 pounds (I was a real huge fatty). I had black teeth as a baby and they all crumbled out of my mouth, which isn't very uncommon for eastern Kentucky. Hey, Kentuckians are just now learning that dental carries can be caused by letting the baby fall to sleep nursin' a bottle full of Mountain Dew. Wish my mom would have known that!
I am only 25, but I only have a few teeth in my head. I've had to have those suckers pulled 3 at a time! When you see my photos all over the internet, have you ever noticed that I'm not smiling--ever? That's because I am ashamed of my smile, with so many missing teeth. I even get the sunken lips thing in my photos now, but I try to suck in my cheeks so no one will notice.
I claim that my bad oral health causes a neurological problem so that I can go to the dentist and get pills (the doctors won't even prescribe narcotics/opiods to me anymore, dammit). I get really angry when the dentist won't give me pills, so he just refers me off to another dentist. One damn dentist tried to give me Tramadol for this awful mouth pain once, but I told him I wanted Lorcets! What kind of dentists do that? The nerve!
I love pills. I love them so much that once took them while pregnant, even though the nurse told me not to. I rationalized that away as her not wanting to tell me I could while I was on the phone with her, 'cause you know, liability and all. I also smoked while I was pregnant. Well, that pregnancy didn't end so well! After a couple more attempts, I finally realized that the reason that the bun wouldn't stay in the oven is because I smoked while I was preggers. And the pain pill thing. And the bulimia (yes, I forced myself to vomit while I was pregnant). SILLY ME!
I had some tests done on me while I was in the motherly condition, and those tests said something about Trisomy 18. I dunno what that is, so if someone could explain that?
So I finally stopped smoking. Then the weight came back. Those photos I post of me all over the internet, you know, especially the profile torso with the star tattoos? That's definitely NOT me. LOL. But it turns guys on, so I use it and let them think it's me. And those photos of me doing the myspace cocked head pose - those are old. I posted a new photo recently - I tried to crop out my body and face, but you can still see that even my forearms have cellulite and my cheeks are swollen with fat.
I don't realize my own hypocrisy; I hope that's not a sin. I believe that drinking alcohol in any amount is a sin, yet I love me some pills and cigarettes! And my favorite place to post these days on the internet is a website that thinks child porn is funny. I hope DHS doesn't find out, because I don't want anyone to took my baby from me (especially for letting her suck on a bloody dead squirrel!). I also think that premarital sex is a sin, yet I live with my boyfriend. Go figger?!
Now here's something any potential suitor should know about me: I am very hairy for a woman. I have long chin hairs and have to shave every day. I think it's called hursuitness or something like that. I also have skin problem that causes me to look like I have big cigarette burns all over my legs. I've had this since I was a child, and it looks like ringworms. It's very gross. I can't even wear shorts because of it.
Also, I pretty much keep a yeast infection 24/7/365. My discharge down there is smelly, to say the least. Across the taint, there's some problems, too. I only poop about twice a week (I wonder if it has anything to do with the pain pills?). I did make massive turds daily while I was pregnant, though. Ahhh the good ol' days.
I also admit that I haven't been a very good mother, and it's mostly because of the pain pills. My parents basically had to raise my child because all I want to do is sleep all day while on the pain meds. I lost my job at Head Start because of this. The teacher I assisted and my co-workers hated me because they had to take up my slack. My husband divorced me because all I did was lay around stoned on Tramadol, and on his only day off work he had to clean the house.
I guess I did put a lot of stress on my husband - he got busted for public intoxication. Imagine how embarrassing that was for his daddy, who's a preacherman!
Some people say that I ain't right in the head. I guess that could be true. I took Paxil until I was eighteen, but then stopped cold turkey, and since then I've relied on the lord to warsh away my depression and stuff. That doesn't always work so well, though. The lord can make the blue funk go away, but only the Lorcets can handle the pain, if'n you know what I mean!
Like alot of people around here, I had my baby on Medicaid and I feed her AND me with WIC. I maxed out 3 credit cards paying for doctor visits for my pill seeking expeditions, too. Drove my husband to bankruptcy. I'm definitely a winner. Who would want me, except for some obese native-born Kentucky unemployable purse-snatching convict who's currently on probation?
Ok. So now that I've described myself, let me show you a few photos that are pretty close to how I look now. That's my engagement photo of me and the husband who filed for divorce against me. But I don't post full-body shots--ever, even back when I was thinner because of my figure below the neckline. It ain't purty!
These were a couple years before the one above:
Blog editor here. Because this Hawgzelda's boyfriend insists on threatening me through his retard comments, here's the squirrel photo again. NOM NOM NOM!!
This pic unrelated, sort of:
Why MMAC's forum got 86'd.
The screencaps below explain why MMAC's forum got shut down, and these arent the worst of what was posted there. The authors in the screencaps below are monoxide and whatever hillbilly buddy was on the forum to help him out at the time that they conceived this brrrrrilliant idea, posting under the nicknames of people who no longer visit the site.
MMAC shut down?
Monday afternoon update: WIN.
As of our last peek into the world that is monoxide, MMAC is reduced to two posters pretending to be members who left because of the admin-driven abuse there. Alls left is a couple of impotent convicts switching ex-members hats. And Bobblehead whos running from thread to thread bawwwing that someone wants get her baby "took" away. Get a grip, girl.
I guess when youre an unemployable, you can spend 16 hours online each day pretending to be someone youre not. Theres not much of a labor market out there for purse-snatching druggies with theft-by-deception convictions. Or for drunken hillbillies with extensive criminal records. These two retards dont realize the biting irony when they make fun of people for the places they work. The thing is - the people theyre making fun of do WORK. Unlike the unemployable retards at MMAC.
Ahhh well, let the inbreds have their circle jerk. At least their mothers dont have to lock up the fambly cutlery when theyre tiddly-wanking around on the internet. Right Magnolia and Betty?
We're working on some new stuff. We'll update you as soon as we have it. Thanks for making our blog an unbelievable success.
Sunday Sangin. Lets us git into a southeast Kintuckee frame of mind
For yer lissnin plezur, this heer is sum gospul musac from the holler.
Now fokes, I sujest you pull out a doller or two fer this lufly musac sanger, becaws we don want the sanger's boyfren stealin yer purse or nuthin.
Hep yersef to sum skwurel whilst tha musac plays.
I apologize to saffron
Shes a smart woman and from Kentucky. Ive seen her posts here & at other places and shes proof that there are intelligent people in Kentucky. There are prolly many intelligent people in Kentucky.....
but they dont share genetics with Monoxide and his clan (or should I say "klan?").
Thanks for your posts here Saffron and I hope I didnt offend you to the point that you wont post any more.
Spastic Saturday
Basic geography and chronology lesson for one retard commenter.
Wow, this kid must be some kind of Houdini--racking up charges in Illinois while he's in jail in Iowa?
BTW, I thought you said he grew up in Kentucky and Florida?
Looks like Epic Fail sleuthing to me.
Heres a suggestion idiot. Look at a map and the links provided before you embarrass yourself with moronic comments.
Map of Illinois and Iowa:
From wikipedia:
The Quad Cities[2][3][4] is a geographic region of the Mid-Mississippi Valley of the United States that includes several communities in the states of Iowa and Illinois. As of 2008, the population is 377,625.[1] The five most populous cities in the region are:
Time served by Melton on 1 year sentence in Iowa:
Comments: UP 3/15/06 9:30 AM; DEFT W/ ATTY KROEGER;
724.4 & CT 2 OWI 1ST 321J.2(A);CT 1-FINED $500.00 & CC;
240 DAYS SCJ, SUSP; CT 2-FINED $1,000.00 & CC; 120 DAYS
$13,000.00 TOTAL
In response to your comment about him growing up in florida and kentucky: i don't know where you live, but in the civilised world people often grow up in one place, move to another, and continue "growing up" there.
The only "epic fail" in this blog is yours because youre too stupid to read before shooting off your toothless twinkie hole, idiot.